Stevie Loves

I had elaborate plans for Stephen’s one year old photo.  Balloons, outfits, the park, perfect lighting.  It was going to be magnificent.  But today, I realized if I wanted to stick with these big plans, I was never actually going to get the photo done.  So I grabbed some leftover material for a backdrop, put him in something clean, moved some furniture out of the way, and did an impromptu shoot right in the dining room.  And I’m glad I didn’t try to make a bigger thing than it needed to be, because most of the photo shoot looked like this:

If I had spent a ton of time and energy on this project, only to have him cry the whole time, I would’ve been really annoyed and frustrated.  But we took our time and he got some emotional support from Elmo.
Then with a little luck and some peek-a-boo, I was able to get one smile – out of like 100 pictures.  So here we have it.  Stevie’s One Year Photo.  {Drum roll please}
  1. I say they are PERFECT! I can’t believe he’s 1…well almost 13 months, but who’s counting. We love you Stevie McQueenie! You have made this world more wonderful!

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