Hello, hello, hello! Hope you have had a pleasant week. Things feel like they are really changing quickly around here. Of course, after the way this last year dragged on while simultaneously flying by, everything feels a bit out of sorts. But some sense of “normal”, so to speak, is at our fingertips. We have…
Year: 2021
Mental Health, Motivation, and Joy
You ready to talk about mental health? I always find it so interesting that my intentions with blogging come and go so easily. There is steady motivation for a period of time, excited to write again… until I’m not. I start to take more days off than I intend to. But this time around, it’s…
Roller Skates
Okay everyone! I have owned roller skates for approximately 72 hours, so I obviously wanted to share everything from my expert point of view. LOL! As an expert, I can objectively judge my own skills and tell you that I’m not very good at skating. But it is making me incredibly happy to try. I…
Ugly Sandals
Oooh this week. It was a tough one. I won’t bore you with all the gory details, but I will say that by Friday, I was freakin’ D-O-N-E with everything and everyone. Calgon take me away. But we had weekend plans for the first time in about a million years, so I had to pull…
Back to School
Oops! I fell off the blogging wagon last week, and today wasn’t looking so great either. I honestly just completely forgot about it. My mind has been so preoccupied with doctor appointments and decisions regarding sending Stevie back to school (along with all the normal preoccupations, of course). After talking to his cardiologist, she gave…
Easter Weekend
The week after Spring Break heading into Easter was a little rough getting back on track. I went through my Monday thinking it was Thursday. And that’s just never a good way to start! But as we wrapped things up on Friday, I still sat in awe of where the heck the week went… and…
All About La Quinta
Well hello! Spring Break is officially coming to an end and we officially took our little trip to La Quinta. Whenever we return from a trip, no matter how small, I always feel like we conquered some big task. I know, I know. Vacations aren’t supposed to be a task. But when you add up…
Welcome Spring
This week felt ultra-productive, any guesses why? Well! I got dressed and left the house exactly twice to get my hair done AND go to a doctor’s appointment. Haha. If you’d asked me in the before times, that would’ve been a really slow couple days, let alone week. The doctor probably also felt like a…
Quiet Morning
Even when I don’t have much to say, there is nothing better to me than a quiet morning after a good rain when I can sit down with my laptop to write at my desk. We have old beautiful windows that let in just enough sunlight and shadow to dance on the walls and illuminate…
What is Normal
The week has been like many others of the past year: somehow so busy yet so boring at the same time. We got a glimmer of hope in the news hearing that Disneyland and baseball stadiums would be allowed to open in April, as long as the numbers stay low. While they’d only be allowed…