Baby: Has been opening that right eye a lot more, but we are still going to the optometrist in April to make sure everything is OK with the actual eyeball development. I think his eyes will be brown. He is continuing to grow and loves meal-time. Although his favorite time of day is taking a bath! The last few weeks have been a great improvement as far his happiness goes. He’s not as fussy and he has been taking little naps. There are lots of smiles and babbles during the day. Still waiting to hear his little laugh though. He all of a sudden enjoys being in the backpack and also likes the jogging stroller (as long as he can sleep during the morning run). He’s discovered his hands and I love when I catch him staring at them or sucking on them. Still can’t quite get that head up, but pediatrician isn’t worried. She said to just continue tummy time.
Head – 15 1/2″
Weight – 14 lbs. 3 oz.
Height – 23″
His head and height are only in about the 5th percentile. His weight is in the 50th. Knew there’d be no problems with chunkin’ up!
Parents: Will I ever stop complaining about being tired? Well, we still are. The longest he sleeps at night is 4 hours in a row – and that starts at like 8pm. I can’t remember the last time I was in bed before 10. The rest of the night, he sleeps about an hour at a time. So yeah, we’re still tired. But somehow we are working it out. We are crazy about this little guy and love, love, love to show him off. Daddy talks to him on the phone every day and I’m always taking videos and pictures, so he doesn’t miss too much while he’s at work.
Mommy’s Thoughts: As I mentioned, things are getting a little easier. I also feel like Stevie and I have reached a real happy place. We do share more of a bond over the last few weeks. I love when we play and I can make him smile. Just when I think we are kind of getting on a schedule, he likes to change it up so I’m just learning to be flexible and not control what he does. When I try to control his naps or eating times, it just leads to frustration. So we’re just wingin’ it… for now. I look forward to watching him grow and learn new things. It’s so exciting! I have made a real effort to get dressed every day and paint my nails once a week. Those little things help me feel like a normal person instead of just a tired Mom. And just a side note, I’m sad that he and I don’t have any good pictures together. Need to remedy that.
OMG i can’t take the cuteness!