So now we’ve been over some ways that The Four Shopping Rules can help slow down our consumption. Let me review…
Closet Control
- IDENTIFY – there’s a problem here and you want to change, make a plan, know your why.
- INVENTORY – take note (mental, written, digital) of all the clothing you own. You may purge unworn items during this time.
- IMPULSE – control your impulses to buy. Maybe challenge yourself to a #nobuy week or month. Sit with what you own for a minute and take that in.
- INVEST – start to fill any gaps in your wardrobe.
But we all know it doesn’t end there. The real issues surface when we’re actually shopping (in stores or online). How do we slow down when faced with the decision whether or not to buy one or two (or ten) specific things? How do we see results on the daily? I think this is where the Four Shopping Rules really come in handy.
Shopping Control
- IDENTIFY – think about whether the item you’re looking at is a need or a want. Is it good quality and something you will wear? Does it fit with the rest of your wardrobe? Does it fit? What do you love about it?
- INVENTORY – check it! Reference your list to see if you already have a similar item or one that can be used in a similar way. Will the new items be a replacement, exchange, or addition to your wardrobe?
- IMPULSE – are you seeing this item for the first time or is it something you’ve been thinking about? Is it on your wishlist? Control the impulse. Maybe sleep on it. Use this as an opportunity to practice building your willpower.
- INVEST – finally, when all the stars have aligned and you’ve determined this is the right item for you, drop that cash.
I know. It sounds like a lot of steps and a lot of thinking, right? But I truly believe if we approached shopping in this way more often than not, it would slow us down in the long run and we would be more satisfied with our purchases overall. Even if we make mistakes along the way, we’ll start to see improvements in the quality of our shopping. We’ve got to start somewhere and learn new habits for ourselves. So let’s start here!
I made a cheat sheet for you. Cuz I love ya.

Tell me, which part of #thefourshoppingrules is hardest for you?