Yesterday, we had a big time doctor’s appointment for Stevie at Boone Fetter Clinic. A few of you already know that this was long awaited — not only for the last several years of talking about it, but once we finally made the decision to go forward, we had to book 6 months out. Popular…
We Are All Parents In Training
As I started writing this blog post, I wanted to dedicate it to the new parents out there. Because holy crap if you’re a new parent. You are surely going through some big changes. You are definitely tired. You are probably hormonal. You are feeling accomplished and hopeful and well-adjusted one day — and like…
Mom Life Right Now
Mom life right now is… sharing a bed with too many large creatures. Stevie always comes to our bed around 1am and Fergus is catching on too. They are either getting sneakier, or Paul and I are so tired that we don’t even notice. Mom life right now is… two short workouts a day —…
Spring Break Family Vacation to the PNW
When Paul and I sat down to plan our family vacation, I was prepped and ready to make my case for Hawaii. Hawaii all the way baby! Dream vacation coming up! Paul, trust me! It will be perfect. I have the resort picked, the kid can go to the day camp, we can drink and…
Halloween and Expectations
Halloween. Come and gone. And I hate to admit, I was dreading it. The weekend leading up to Halloween, had me feeling all the things. (Mostly anxiety.) I scrolled through my social media and saw everyone having the BEST HALLOWEEN WEEKEND EVERRRR for like 4 days straight. And here I was, barely able process how…
Starting Fresh
Someone please explain to me how it’s in any way possible that every single freakin’ day of summer vacation was the longest, most relentless day of my life — yet somehow, someway, the whole thing flew by?? It makes no sense at all. Even with my goals to have a sunshine filled, joyful, easy breezy beautiful one……
Stevie's Eye Surgery Update
As most of you know, Stevie had another eye surgery yesterday. This was his 9th time under anesthesia. The fourth eye surgery. Three of those being on his eyelids. Does he have 3 eyelids?? No, the first one just failed, so we had to do it again. I have many, many grumpy faces and new…
On Growing Up
It seems to me that all moms have a very emotional response before their babies start Kindergarten. I am witnessing it first hand, all around me. It’s the start of a new chapter. They will be with all those big kids in the elementary school! These little beings, who have been so dependent on us…
Around Here Lately: Summer Edition
It’s no secret that I have a bit of an eff you attitude towards Summer. I’m sorry Summer!! It’s not totally your fault. We certainly have our good days. I even get sad thinking you will be gone soon. And while I wonder if the heat might do me in once and for all this…
Let Summer Begin
Today marked our first day back at the wading pool. We have spent many, many, many summer afternoons at these shallow petri dishes around town, and I personally have a love/hate thing going. Still. On one hand, this activity was a treasure. When Stevie hated swim class, I could still bring him here. When I…