Well, true to form, I somehow make myself really busy and overwhelmed right before we have a big thing coming up. Stevie’s been approved for his eyelid surgery (1 of 2) scheduled for June 17th. A bunch of doctor appointments and pre-ops go along with that. And instead of trying to stay calm and keep…
The Ultimate Confession: I Need Therapy!
This probably isn’t the type of thing you’re supposed to announce on the internet, but I guess that’s never really stopped me before eh. I don’t know what it was about March 10th. I remember it was the first weekday of Daylight Savings Time. It was chilly in our room but sure to get warmer.…
Stevie Fan Club {Good Ol' Fashioned Update}
It’s been awhile since I updated you guys on how Stevie is doing. And since he is my most popular blog topic, I thought it was about time. So here’s Stevie as of April 2014: He is going to preschool 2 hours a day. He loves it. He is getting 30 minutes of Speech, OT and…
Stevie Fan Club {Rock-a-bye Big Boy}
Sleep. Oh sweet sleep. It has never come easy for Stevie, thus making it difficult suck for us. And, in fact, I get paranoid talking about, blogging about it, thinking about it, out of fear of jinxing the luck. But here we go anyway. Paul came up with a new system. I was resistant at first.…
Stevie Fan Club {Bring Your Kid to Work Day}
In shocking Mommy Fail news, I forgot Stevie had spring break this week. We drove him all the way to school and realized no one was even there before it dawned on me. Hashtag forehead slap. I had already scheduled a Disneyland shoot on Monday and since my clients are part of the Stevie Fan…
DIY Visual Schedule for Toddler
It’s no secret that Stevie can be… difficult. And I’m being so very kind when I say this. Yesterday he threw such a tantrum leaving the park, that I literally had to drag him by his arms all the way to the car. And when we got to the car, I was so frustrated, I…
Stevie Fan Club {Rainy Day Adventures + Video}
As you may have heard, sunny Southern Cal has been in the middle of a horrible drought. We were finally lucky enough to have water falling from the sky all weekend and the rejoicing commenced. I’ve always loved the rain; it gives the sense of a fresh start. Washes away some of the yuck. And…
Stevie Fan Club {Tough Week + the Park + Video}
To put it ever-so gently, this week has kicked my ass. One of those weeks that leaves me wondering how anyone – including myself – ever dared to think I would be cut out for motherhood. A week filled with tantrums, screaming, and spitting from morning until night. A week where my body collapses in…
Stevie Fan Club {This Damn Scooter}
OMG look at my Stevie! So excited to ride his new scooter! I could die. He looks so cute and happy! Roughly 45 seconds later: The end.
Stevie Fan Club {When He Sleeps}
I always say nap time is the best time. Holla if ya hear me folks! I’m not one of those parents who gets bored or misses my kid while he sleeps. #sorrynotsorry. And right now, the naps are getting shorter, but I am clinging to them for dear life, I tell ya. If a kid turns…