Moving Day

We moved.  We moved, we moved, we moved!  All our stuff is here in the new house.  Barely a thing has been put away, but it’s all here somewhere.  We hired movers and it was the best decision of our lives.  When we can’t find something, we blame it on them – “movers stole it!” – then it usually turns up within a few minutes.  Having them here cut our moving time by daysssss, I’m sure of it.  We would never have been out of the condo so quickly, there’s just no way.  No matter how much we did ahead of time, moving day always turns up surprises.

I started getting into the swing of things on Sunday, organizing and putting things away, but took a break for work and running errands.  I started getting into the swing of things again on Monday, but took a break for a (3 hour) IKEA run and yoga.  Then I hurt myself at yoga.  Lest we forget – I do OLD LADY YOGA at the community center you guys. So now I’m laid up, with a heating pad and coffee, unable to put weight on my left leg, while all these boxes are calling my name. We don’t even have internet or cable yet, so this is really torture.  I know it will get done eventually, but hello!  We have holidays and parties to host in our new house!  And I have a Disney job tomorrow, so this just needs to stop hurting, like now.

Maximum dose of ibuprofen is one million milligrams right?  See ya.

— The state of the house.  At least there’s good light —going places, moving day, new house, los angeles, spanish style going places, moving day, new house, los angeles, spanish style going places, moving day, new house, los angeles, spanish style going places, moving day, new house, los angeles, spanish style going places, moving day, new house, los angeles, spanish style going places, moving day, new house, los angeles, spanish style going places, moving day, new house, los angeles, spanish style

By the way, you can see more house stuff on SnapChat @themomgonnasnap

  1. I can’t wait to see how it comes together 🙂

  2. Oh, it’s so lovely! Thank you for the glimpse while you are busy getting organized. As much as I hate moving, it IS exciting/overwhelming in the best of ways.

  3. O. M. G.! I WANNA COME VISIT!!!!!

  4. Is that a tube TV? How long have you had that?

    1. Yes. Yes it is. I’ve had it since 1999. But it’s much older than that. And it’s awesome. And I should get rid of it. But I have a problem.

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