Splash Pads + BBQs + the L.A. Zoo

Playing a bit of catch up here.  We tried the splash pads again.  That went grrrrreat.

splash pads, bbq, los angeles zoo, going places

I guess the splashing part of the pads caught him off guard.  But it was kinda worth it for this moment.

splash pads, bbq, los angeles zoo, going places

An end-of-summer BBQ at a friends’ house went much better.  There was a dog, so that helped.  A lot.  I want one!  Well, actually I’ll take any of the 3 pictured below – a dog, a fenced yard, or a pool.

splash pads, bbq, los angeles zoo, going placessplash pads, bbq, los angeles zoo, going places

We also had a quick trip to the L.A. Zoo.  Stevie enjoyed the fences most.  You read that right.  The fences. Not the animals behind the fences.  Just the fences in general.  He noticed maybe one or two animals.  But we ended the afternoon with a major, insane, ridiculous tantrum because I cut his time running up and down ramps a little short.  Good times.

splash pads, bbq, los angeles zoo, going places

I’m tired.

  1. You are stinkin’ hilarious! I love reading your posts and feeling like I’m right there with you, even though I’m on the other side of the country!! Hang in there – you’ve got nowhere to go but up, right?? 🙂

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