Impulse Shopping: When It Works

Impulse shopping. My forever weakness! A couple weeks ago, I had a moment and did some impulse shopping with this jacket. (Saved my thought process to my highlights on Instagram if you missed it). Man, I felt regret and buyer’s remorse almost instantly — not because I didn’t love the jacket, but because I didn’t love the head space I was in when I bought it.

I was coming from a place of anxiety and I didn’t use #thefourshoppingrules. In fact, I didn’t give it much thought at all. I bought it in a flurried rush of excitement. It was not a slow, thoughtful, or planned purchase. My very definition of impulse shopping got the best of me. I did NOT practice what I preach, which makes me feel PFT (pretty frickin’ terrible). Oops.

But the jacket has now arrived, and I gotta say… it’s rad. I loved it right away. Wearing it yesterday and over-analyzing my purchase, as I am prone to do, made me reflect on the ways I have changed over the years. Even on a “bad day”, I am so different. Thought my head space felt “wrong”, it’s an improvement. I still chose a secondhand item over a brand new one, and I picked a responsible, quality brand that I love over cheap fast fashion. Something practical in a favorite color over a trendy item that wouldn’t have much longevity.

So you see, over time, as you change your habits, even the decisions that don’t feel the best, certainly aren’t the worst. It’s all about those baby steps and making different choices along the way that will get you where you want to be. Then someday soon, you too can look back and appreciate how far you’ve come.

Have you had a moment where impulse shopping worked out in your favor?
