After a failed attempt at seeing John Mayer in concert this last summer (which we DID get our money back for, by the way), we thought we’d take another shot and see him at an indoor venue where everyone is guaranteed a seat. He was playing at the new Nokia Live Theater in Downtown L.A. and it was a great venue. Absolutely loved it. And that John Mayer is one talented cookie. It was an acoustic show, so just him and the guitar, and he did some pretty awesome stuff. My husband pointed out to me at one point, that he had tuned down the top string on his guitar and was playing BASS with his thumb, while his other four fingers were still playing the chords/melody of the song. Amazing right? As a musician, he is top notch.
On Sunday night, we celebrated my big-little brother’s 21st birthday. That was really fun and all the friends came out to play. We had pizza here at the house and then went to a comedy club called the Ice House in Pasadena. I had seen on the events calendar that there was a special
engagement that evening, but no details at all. So we weren’t really sure what to expect. Turns out, it was “Comedy for Queers” (stand-up acts by all gay and lesbian comedians). We were a little surprised and had some laughs about that before the show began.
Like, go figure that we came on that night, right? Then we just enjoyed the show. It was raunchy and hilarious, just like a comedy club should be. And I think the bro really enjoyed himself. And he got HOOKED UP, let me tell ya. Our friends are so nice and generous. So it was a successful night and really fun, busy weekend.
Also got my Christmas decorations up! Love it.
looks like fun! i’ll admit i’m jealous much, but i’m so glad that you guys are having some good times
Oh my goodness. Sounds like you really had a busy weekend and the “special event” at the Comedy club must have been quite surprising! It must have been the best birthday Jake has ever had! You are such a fun sister! Love and miss you.