- On one of my Pinterest DIY’s, someone commented “I thought this was a bloated Miley Cyrus”. Well, joke’s on you kid, because I’m thirty-FIVE. So any day that I look like a 20-year old celebrity, bloated or not, is a good day in my book.
- How is everyone finding maxi dresses?! I have literally tried on 50+ and can’t find The One.
- We have finally started switching over Stevie’s room from a baby room to a little kid’s room. The crib is gone. It is overdue, AND it’s been fun seeing him transition to a new bed and have a growing desire to play in his new space.
- That being said, the living room looks like a tornado came through since I was hiding a lot of junk in Stevie’s old room. I don’t even know where to start with finding places for this stuff.
- One of my latest guilty pleasures is a store in the Burbank mall called All-Pro Sports $5 Store. They sell a bunch of sad sports memorabilia that nobody really wants and everything in the store is 5 bucks. BUT I don’t care about the sports stuff obviously. I’m there for the souvenir California t-shirts. I buy a couple at a time and chop them up into tank tops. Kinda fun.
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CUTE shirt! I love it. 🙂