week 9 // boy week 10 // infrequent flyer
week 11 // wild ivy
week 12 // sidewalk sights
Making: jokes when I’m uncomfortable.
Cooking: maybe once a week?
Drinking: sticking with that almond champs.
Reading: Los Angeles magazine.
Wanting: another ArvoWear watch. I love mine so much and I’ve only had it a week.
Looking: for a great red lipstick.
Deciding: when to put Stevie in a big boy bed. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?
Wishing: doesn’t Spain just sound loverly?
Enjoying: this breezy little Spring we’ve got going.
Waiting: to scratch some more movies off the “to watch” list.
Liking: my new overalls. Yessiree.
Wondering: if I’m doing it right. Parenting, that is.
Loving: almond milk ice cream!! I just found out it existed and I’m happier than a pig in poop.
Pondering: how simple it has been to ease back into shopping. Gotta put the brakes on.
Considering: a new phone case. My LifeProof has been awesome, it’s just pretty beat up.
Watching: goddamn Blue’s Clues. All goddman day.
Hoping: the 2 pounds I finally lost will be a trend in the right direction.
Marveling: at the way Stevie learns. Things are so hard for him and then one day, it just CLICKS!
Needing: to drink more “awa” as Stevie calls it. Awa = agua = water.
Smelling: Stevie after a bath. Yum!
Wearing: blue eyeliner.
Following: Milk Please Mum. Love the every day photo style.
Noticing: how dark my roots look next to the platinum locks.
Knowing: there’s always tomorrow. The important stuff will get done. The rest is filler.
Thinking: about my schedule for the days ahead.
Feeling: left out sometimes.
Admiring: my little patio garden. Mostly eye candy (flowers) this year.
Sorting: photos, photos and more photos.
Buying: more cheapy sunglasses than necessary.
Getting: a bridesmaid dress soon.
Bookmarking: see for yourself. My Pinterest boards.
Disliking: that we’ve been to 3 funerals of close family members in the last 12 months.
Opening: the back door to let the fresh air swirl in.
Giggling: at goofy t-shirts. I never buy them, but they make me smile.
Snacking: on apples every night. My husband is a good influence.
Coveting: pool time. beach time. relaxing time.
Helping: design some stuff.
Hearing: Mumford & Sons.
Taking Stock list from the Meet Me at Mike’s blog.
Dior Rouge 999 apparently it’s the bee’s knees…I have it on my list of things to try!