Open Heart Surgery Update

If you read my last post, you could probably guess that I was dreading Stevie’s latest appointment with the cardiothoracic (heart) surgeon. This would be our first time seeing him in nearly 8 years, which is kind of amazing when you think about the rough start we had. But of course it was to discuss open heart surgery, which is never very fun.

After we checked in, we were nervously pacing the waiting room, as Stevie found a spot to drive his cars, when we bumped into our cardiologist. She doesn’t actually perform the surgery, but she does the annual check-ups and keeps an eye on Stevie’s heart health overall. At our last appointment, she had mentioned that while there was no rush to get the surgery done, we’d probably be looking at dates this summer or maybe over winter break.

I mentally voted for sooner rather than later, just to get it done and over with. Besides, who wants to be recovering from open heart surgery during the holidays? SURE AF NOT ME.

But after a little small talk and catching up, Paul asked what she thought about waiting for surgery until next summer. I kind of thought he was kidding, but it never hurts to ask. She nodded and said “sure, I think that would be okay. Let me know what the surgeon says. If he’s on board, then so am I.” Paul and I nodded excitedly at each other thinking of the possibility that we could put these plans off for a whole other year! It lightened my mood overall as we strolled in to meet the surgeon.

He’s a nice guy and tried using lots of analogies to help us understand what was going on. But the bottom line is that yes. Surgery can wait.


He wants to let Stevie grow bigger, as big as we can, so that when they replace the valve, they can fit the largest one possible in there. That’s the goal. And the technology is changing so rapidly, that while there’s no way to know for sure, there are lots of steps they can take now to properly set him up for a future of no more open hearts.

Finally some good news. I mean I know he still needs surgery. And I know I’ll be a worry-wart eventually. But that time is not now. Gonna run with that feeling!


One Comment
  1. Yaaay to anything that is good for you all x

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