This past week, I participated in #aweekwithnopants challenge. It had a clever name and set out to encourage people to wear dresses and skirts for a week. The challenge was hosted by @uncomplicatedspaces, @marmag.creation, @akwearsthings, @alissa_etc, and @petraalexandra. I’ll admit, I am not a dress person, so I thought it might be a fun way to think out of the box when getting dressed.
I have made a few flowy caftans (ok, muumuus) that are really cute and versatile. But still only own a handful of dresses total. And I don’t even reach for those very often. Now that I’ve been tracking how often I wear my clothes, up to this point I can plainly see that I’ve only worn a dress 9 times this entire year so far! Nine times. NINE TIMES? NINE times. (Name that movie!)
And… I didn’t even make it through the entire week. Once the weekend arrived, I could only imagine putting cutoffs or comfy shorts on. I just didn’t FEEL like wearing a dress. At all. Why am I like this?

One other reason I wanted to try wearing dresses for a week was give you all an in-depth review of the slip shorts I’ve tried recently. I think good ones can be hard to find, but when you do, they are a total game changer. No chaffing, less sweating, and you get to kinda feel like a Mormon for a day.
However, quickly into writing this so-called review, I decided to scrap all my research. Instead of giving you all the pros and cons of the 4 different slip shorts I tried, I will just tell you who the winner was by a long shot. Knix. Thigh Saver. (Referral link) Boom. Done. Ordering more. The end. Of course they are more on the expensive side, but all the other brands were too thick, too loose, too lacy, too short, etc. These were comfy right out of the box. According to their size chart, I am a Medium but I actually sized up to the Large. A perfect fit. Get hip to it babes.
sunnies | earrings | necklace | dress (gift) | sandals old sweatshirt (similar) | travel mug | thrifted shorts (similar) | sandals sunnies | homemade shirt | thrifted shorts (similar) | sandals sunnies | homemade shirt | sold-out shorts (similar) sunnies | dress (on sale!) | sandals earrings | necklace | shirt (referral link) | homemade shorts necklace | sweater (similar) (referral link) | shorts (referral link)
Are you participating in any style challenges this summer? Any questions about slip shorts? HMU!