earrings (similar) | jumpsuit sweatshirt | thrifted jeans (similar) | sneakers (similar) sunnies | earrings (similar) | jumpsuit (secondhand) sunnies| earrings | blouse (similar) | shorts (similar) | clogs sunnies| thrifted dress (similar) | slides sunnies | tee (on sale) | jacket | skirt (upcycled) | slides dress (homemade)
Yup. I’m just going to pretend that I’m rocking this big ol’ boot without a second thought. I’m definitely not wishing it could be photoshopped out. I have all the confidence in the world.
And now that those positive affirmations have been officially typed out, secretly hoping they somehow meld into my brain… let’s talk about Salt Lake City! I haven’t been to northern Utah in quite some time. And I was actually there twice in the last month, for two different weddings. I lived in Provo many moons ago and still have lots of family and friends out there, so it’s truly disappointing that I go so long between visits.
The first trip, I went alone. I was in town for almost exactly 24 hours. But I got to see my mom and stepdad and almost all my siblings, along with my nephews, some cousins, and other family members. We all had such a great time, visiting and dancing the night away. It was the first gay wedding in our family and we loved every second. The next day we met up for a nice brunch and a walk around the planetarium, then it was back to LA for me.
This second trip, I went with Stevie. Paul would have liked to come, but editing emergencies for Bravo TV, you know how it is. I was excited and nervous to travel alone with Stevie again. I can’t remember the last real trip we took together that was longer than a few hours — but it was probably in the car and it was probably terrible. Before we left, Stevie had mentioned to me (without even knowing about our plans) that he would like to go on an airplane and stay in a hotel. So of course, I was happy to oblige!
And I have good news. Stevie was a freakin’ angel!! Can you even belieeeeve? On the plane, he kept himself busy with the iPad and cars and about 40 lbs of snacks, but he was very well behaved. He is the extrovert to my introvert and said hello to everyone, even charming a few people into conversations, as my insides melted away. We got into town sort of late and went straight to visit cousins, so he was in his element. Asking all the usual questions and chatting their ears off.
The next morning, he got to swim and blow dry his hair, which is always the highlight of any vacation, wouldn’t you say? We visited with one of my dear friends from the Provo days and had lunch with my brother and his girlfriend. Then we had just a little bit of time to spare, so we went to the capitol building for half an hour, and the Discovery Children’s Museum for exactly 21 minutes, before heading to the wedding reception.
The next morning — thanks to my handy work with the black out curtains — we slept until 9 (!!!) and had to rush to the airport to head home. I still can’t believe what a smooth trip it was though. Of course Stevie wasn’t a dream child the WHOLE time because eventually he hit a wall of tiredness and just couldn’t function, but I’m not complaining. The trip overall went so well that I’m almost ready to do it again.