You guys! We had 2 good days in a row. Like really good days. Minimal tantrums, flexibility, smiles, cooperation. (I’m talking about Stevie, in case you were wondering. I know, I have my moments…)
I don’t know where this boy comes from, but every once in awhile he shows up and we have such a nice time together.
I can usually tell how the day will go right from the early wake-up call. If Stevie stands at the foot of the bed ordering us to get up, sit in his room, entertain him, take him to the park before the sun is even up – it will probably be on the rougher side. He’s beyond persistent.
On the good days, he wakes up and makes his way to the living room, where he entertains himself for about 10-15 minutes before he comes to find us. It’s a much easier way to wake up, let me tell you! Squeezing a good afternoon nap in there is just icing on the cake at that point.
I wish I knew how to help Stevie feel this relaxed and easy-going all the time. It’s quite a struggle figuring out where he stands and why he’s just so plain angry. But since I can’t make him happy all the time, I will relish in the days that he is. Tell him stories that he usually can’t sit through. Take him places that he usually won’t tolerate. Give him those extra squeezies and lovies that he usually doesn’t like.
And always try to look for the little bit of good, even on a bad day. It’s not easy.
Thanks for stopping by! And while you’re at it, click on over to to see my guest post this week. Talking to my fellow stay-at-home mamas!
— EPIC meltdown in the mall. I didn’t know what to do. So I took a picture —
— his poor little shins. clumsy is an understatement. —
Jaana, not only are you stylish, you are also a wonderful mum. Thank you for sharing your family with us. Love those gorgeous smiles all round.
I fully agree. You are a super-great writer. Really detailed and can put such a great view on things. I HEART you and STEVIE! I am so proud to be a card-carrying member of the Stevie Fan Club!
we are happy to have you! <3
you gotta find a publicist and publish a book already! you’re such a great writer and awesome story teller..thanks for sharing!!
All those smiles!!!