Stevie Fan Club {Cuties on the Patio}

Sometimes Daddy is off work for a little while.  And sometimes the sun shines warm and bright on our patio early in the mornings.  And sometimes we eat Cuties.  And sometimes, all those things happen at the same time.  And it is bliss.

stevie-fan-club-cuties-on-the-patio-01 stevie-fan-club-cuties-on-the-patio-02 stevie-fan-club-cuties-on-the-patio-03

stevie-fan-club-cuties-on-the-patio-06 stevie-fan-club-cuties-on-the-patio-04 The really cold days were rough on my bougainvilleas.  Hoping they recover soon!stevie-fan-club-cuties-on-the-patio-05Happy weekend and Happy February bros!


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