Oh, the 4-day weekend that is President’s Day. You can tell I’m the parent of a Stevie when instead of being stoked for a 4-day weekend, my only response is “…well, crap.”
I curse the day you were born Lincoln! Or Washington! I don’t remember which one we are celebrating.
But this long weekend was no exception to the exhausting task that is entertaining my son. We did some fun things, but by the time Monday afternoon rolled around (I’m talking 1pm on the dot), I was pretty much over it.
But Jaana! What about all your plans and fantasies of just playing outside in the backyard?!
Yes, yes. I do vaguely remember those. Welp, besides the fact that it’s hot as Hades here and not really enjoyable to be outside, my son doesn’t seem to care much for the backyard. I know. More shocking news from right here in little ol’ Burbank. He might ride his bike out there for 5-10 minutes. Maybe throw a couple rocks. And then he’s pretty much done.
But a couple weeks ago, during my introvert play date, I stumbled on the fact that he likes splashing in a bucket now. Coo, coo… So Paul took it to another level and busted out the hose on him. It seemed to be a hit!
Until it wasn’t!
But then it was again!
So we have one more activity to add to our backyard repertoire. As long as it stays NINETY degrees out, I’m game. Plus the row of drying chonies on the edge of the fountain is pretty cute.
Hahaaa…. perfect backyard activity. I remember you kids enjoying the same activity many days in the summer!