week 13 // spring 1 week 14 // spring 2
week 15 // spring 3 (also known as “these are all dead now”)
week 16 // ca adventure
I just realized my last post was kiiiinda depressing and then I just went and fell off the blogosphere for a couple weeks. If you follow me on Instagram, you already know I’ve been up to all sorts of shenanigans and all is well. There will be plenty to catch up on soon enough. But for now, here we are Taking Stock from Stevie’s point of view. Let’s mix it up a little bit.
Making: a lot of noise
Cooking: up a scheme to move in with Grandma
Drinking: almond milk
Reading: B is for Bulldozer
Wanting: to go to the park
Looking: for my green truck
Deciding: between Blue’s Clues with Steve and Blue’s Clues with Joe
Wishing: my mom would stop nagging me
Enjoying: a butter, honey and cheese sandwich
Waiting: to use the potty. I’m just not ready yet OK?
Liking: my speech therapy sessions with Jo
Wondering: GADOO!!!!
Loving: iPad games with annoying sounds
Pondering: DOGGY!!!
Considering: this “big boy bed” they keep talking about
Watching: garbage trucks go by
Hoping: for a 3rd trip to the park today
Marveling: SKY!!!
Needing: ice cream
Smelling: oranges. I love oranges
Wearing: shorts and a t-shirt with my Nike kicks
Following: my Tati’s dog Amelie all around the backyard
Noticing: if I scream bloody murder at 3am, they always come rescue me!
Knowing: I have cool friends at school
Thinking: SCOOTER!!
Feeling: frustrated
Admiring: my mom. She’s so pretty, how does she do it all?
Sorting: cars and trucks
Buying: cars and trucks
Getting: stamps as a reward
Disliking: vegetables.
Opening: bathroom doors when either parent is trying to hide in there
Giggling: when I get tickled!!
Snacking: all day long
Coveting: every other kid’s toys
Hearing: Happy by Pharrell
Taking Stock list from the Meet Me at Mike’s blog.