One more week of summer vacation down, two weeks to go! We are in the homestretch and the end is in sight — so why does it feel so far away? Well, first of all that’s my anxiety talking. The days are so long, that it’s hard for me to wrap my brain around them. I lose track easily of where we are, tending to Stevie’s needs and trying to stay afloat just one more day. His annual round o’ doctor appointments is on the calendar, so we’ll be busy the next couple weeks and I’m sure it’ll all fly by. I’m generally pretty exhausted and upped my meds to see if it helps.
I have to admit that the excitement of sending him back is a bit overshadowed by the covid situation too. Making me feel very torn about the efforts we put in over this last year, and now just dropping him off at that front gate. Trying to feel that far-reaching, elusive normalcy. And of course I realize that some people feel the EXACT opposite of me, and don’t look forward to the end of summer and getting back to a schedule at all! All valid feelings. Whatever your situation, I hope the new school year brings some renewed hope — or something like that.
In case you missed it on IG, I’ve joined my friends Andrea + Paige for a decluttering challenge! It will run the 31 days of August, and we’re just decluttering one area of our homes each day. I broke my list down into individual shelves and drawers (that’s what the numbers are for in the pic). That way, it’s a small task on paper. I can always do extra if I’m feeling motivated, but the bare minimum is ok with me too. I think today I will start with one bathroom drawer. My makeup drawer is the one I use most often, so it’s always a mess and loves a quick tidy.

I didn’t get dressed every day this week, but I DID sew a couple new things! I have not felt motivated at all to sew in probably 2 years. But I kept visualizing a particular dress. When I saw similar ones on sale at Everlane, it was enough to get me to whip out my machine. Then, since the dress was successful and all my sewing stuff was already out , I made some pants and a top as well. The linen is gorgeous! So gorgeous, that I avoided cutting into it forever, for fear that I’d mess it up. But I’m glad I finally got around to a couple simple projects. We’ll see if any other inspiration strikes during my #spendfreesummer. (I already have urges to make something like this or this or this).
We were lucky enough to have Paul’s mom cook for us a couple times this week, but when I got the chance, I made this filling salad (soooo many ingredients) as well as yummy chickpea sandwiches. Then for a Saturday treat, Paul made us a french toast casserole that soaked overnight. Pretty dang tasty with a side of bacon and big ol’ cuppa joe.
I convinced Stevie to go to LACMA with me, and it was such a beautiful day that it *almost* overshadowed all his complaining. We don’t usually go inside, just wander the grounds and soak in that 10-degrees cooler air. I promised him a treat, and since their restaurant is closed, we made our way to the nearby 99 Cent Store for an orange soda. Do I know how to splurge or what! He was ready to leave immediately, so I just pretended I didn’t remember where our car was parked is until I was ready to go. Haha. #parentinghack I took a few pics, but also loved looking back at these ones and these ones, with a much nicer camera and much smaller Stevie.
How many weeks of summer break left for you? How are you feeling about summer winding down already?
REFERRAL LINKS (Discounts for both of us!)
- Thousand Helmets and Accessories 15% off
- EyeBuyDirect Glasses $10 off
- Reifhaus Studio 20% off
- Knixwear $15 off
- Saucony Shoes $20 off
AFFILIATE LINKS (I make a very small commission with no additional cost to you)
- is where I link my current outfits
- American Giant Get 15% off with the code JAANA
- Vetta Capsule
- Universal Standard
- My Posh Closet $10 off with code MOMSGONNASNAP
- Boodywear
- Measure + Made
- Pakt